AI tools for software development | Crafted by Karsun

Reimagine and Refactor: Seamless Modernization with ReDuX

AI that delivers your every next, AI that learns your way of work. AI that is secure

Increase your team's productivity

How is ReDuX Different?

Other AI

  • Code Writing Assistant
  • Need prompt engineering to meet evolving needs
  • Less control on AI’s performance
  • Conditionally secured by design
  • High running cost


  • Context aware cognitive assistant
  • Learns to adapt to your evolving needs
  • Enhanced control and personalization
  • Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI
  • Cost-effective

With Blueprint and AppPilot

Modernize your legacy applications

AppPilot injects the context so the generation accuracy will improve. We will protect against unwanted/unauthorized access.

Blueprint logo


Effortlessly modernize, enhance, and maintain your legacy or current applications

Interactively extract user flows, API, and data

Examine user interactions, pinpoint API endpoints, and collect data that links screen elements with database entries

code chat

Chat with your code

Understand what is under the hood of code


Get visual insights

You can get useful insights into your code

architecture flow

Leverage AI to facilitate Domain Driven Design

Optimize Domain-Driven Design experience by utilizing real system events for interactive editing and identifying essential artifacts

Generate user stories and GWTs from existing code

As a Business Analyst, you’ll be able to generate user stories and GWTs from a legacy code base

Enhance your team’s performance

AppPilot injects the context so the generation accuracy will improve. We will protect against unwanted/unauthorized access.

Architects, BA’s, Product Owners, Designers and Testers

  • 2x Reduced Effort
  • 2x Improved Quality
  • 4x Better Schedule
app blueprint logo


Tool for software builders to enhance the experience of the builders with emphasis on data/code privacy and access controls

Assistant for Test Driven Development

With derived/constructed knowledge graphs of the context specific domain, AppPilot provides Fit to Purpose test and functional code generation.

learning assistant

Learning Assistant to onboard faster

AppPilot will be your best mentor with context awareness to onboard software builders faster and elevate them to understand complex problems and be able to provide an optimum solution.

software quality

Quality Assistant to scale testing and enforce security

Protect your source code with privacy controls and generate code that is secured. Scale up all aspects of testing with AppPilot.

code assistant

Hyper-local contextualization

AppPilot is a multi-agent, multi-rag, Graph driven assistance that injects multiple layers of context to complete your tasks effectively.

Supercharged Development Experience

Start your journey to replace legacy and reimagine your every next.

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