Karsun Solutions cloud modernization experts enable the safe transition away from expensive legacy technologies. As an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Consulting Partner, we leverage the AWS catalog as a key component in these cloud solutions. In this case study series, the Karsun Solutions Cloud Practice shares recent cloud migration success stories.

The Customer: FAA ADE500/PURE

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Information Technology (AIT) is responsible for the IT management, security, privacy, and data security across the FAA. AIT’s IT portfolio consists of a large portfolio of on-premise applications. FAA AIT is committed to designing new and innovative ways to leverage the FAA cloud to dynamically improve data analysis, enable data-driven decision-making, and streamline how information is provided to aviation stakeholders.

The Challenge

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Information Technology (AIT) was challenged with an aging, on-premises infrastructure that prevented it from introducing new products and services quickly. The costs of keeping its legacy IT infrastructure up and running continued to rise, delaying the agency from reallocating investments on new strategic initiatives to support aviation mandates.

The Solution

Karsun Cloud Runways toolkits contain proven playbooks and pipelines to assess, migrate and manage government cloud migration projects rapidly. There is a Cloud Runway for every step of the modernization journey including refactoring, rehosting, reshaping and replatforming. For this solution, the team conducted a cloud suitability analysis then rehosted/refactored several applications successfully on AWS infrastructure under the ADE 500 program to support the new business needs.

AWS Services

Other Tools

This solution utilized EC2, S3, RDS-Postgres, ELB, ALB and CloudWatch.Karsun experts used Jenkins, Ansible, Artifactory, Pentaho, Alfresco and Attivio.

The Results

  • Reduced Total Cost of Ownership for Application Maintenance
  • Improved Time to Market

About Karsun Solutions

Karsun Solutions modernizes enterprise systems enabling agencies to make the next technological advancement their next opportunity to elevate mission capability. IT solutions from Karsun are tailored to meet agencies’ unique needs and optimize operations. These solutions adapt and stay relevant to current trends while using secure, digital architecture built to last. It is a proven modernization partner whose expertise elevates agency capabilities and ensures every next opportunity is within reach.

FAA Software Solutions Delivery Support Services

About the Engagement

Through the FAA SSD contract, Karsun applies cloud migration expertise to developing innovative solutions to complex challenges facing AIT’s business partners. These include quality management and planning, enterprise data management, enterprise architecture, information delivery, application development, testing and sustainment.