This summer Karsun employees were treated to several surprises throughout the month of August. Karsun hosted a freshly pressed juice bar. The bar, put together by the Karsun Wellness Team, also included healthy recipes and lifestyle information.
Wellness Team activities are one of the many ways Karsun Solutions encourages employees to live a healthy lifestyle. Karsun offers rewards/discounts through their medical provider, Cigna. Some of the discounts include gym memberships, tobacco cessation, and mind/body wellness services. There is also a monthly fitness challenge and a runner’s club, as well as complimentary biometrics screenings, flu shots, stress management seminars, educational flyers, and other activities such as on-site shoulder/feet massages. Karsun also provides apples as a healthy alternative to snacking throughout the day to all employees.
Workplace Wellness and work-life integration is a Karsun core value. It is an important component of the organization’s corporate culture. To learn more about Karsun culture, events and employee opportunities visit the Karsun Employee Event news page.