Each summer, a new class of interns joins our Karsun Innovation Center to explore the application of emerging technologies to modernizing complex legacy systems. Pravalika Gollapudi, a Master’s student, joined this year’s cohort. She experimented, tackled new challenges, developed dashboards, and worked with center experts. From full stack development to future technology expert, Pravalika shares how she hopes to find her next solving real-world problems. 

Finding Her Next: Creative Ideas into Impactful Solutions

First please tell us about yourself. Where are you going to school? What are you studying? What do you like to do in your free time?

Pravalika: My name is Pravalika Gollapudi, and I’m pursuing my Master’s in Computer Engineering (Computer Systems) at Arizona State University. In my free time, I love playing badminton to stay active. I’m also passionate about coding, as it allows me to turn creative ideas into impactful solutions.

What do you want to after this internship? What are your career goals? 

Pravalika: After this internship, I aim to dive deeper into software development, becoming a skilled full stack developer with a strong focus on AI and ML. I’m excited about roles that allow me to create innovative projects, blending backend, frontend, and intelligent systems to solve real-world problems.

Dashboards and Data

Could you share a little bit about the project you worked on as part of this internship? What challenge does it solve? What technologies and tools are you using?

Pravalika: During my internship, I tackled several projects that addressed key challenges. I developed a CRUD application with Java (backend) and React (frontend) to streamline data management and improve user interaction. Additionally, I built a React dashboard to display applicants and ensured its reliability using Jest tests, addressing challenges in data presentation and application stability. I also conducted data quality analysis, identifying and resolving inconsistencies to maintain accurate and consistent data, thus overcoming problems related to data integrity and reliability.

Professional Certification and Collaboration

What is your favorite part about working with the Karsun Innovation Center? Is there a weekly meeting or ritual you enjoy? The opportunity to learn more or get a new certification?

Pravalika: My favorite aspect of working with the Karsun Innovation Center is the opportunity to collaborate with experienced professionals and gain insights into the corporate world. This experience is invaluable as it helps me refine my teamwork and communication skills. I particularly enjoy the bi-weekly “Show Don’t Tell” meetings, where team members present their progress over the past two weeks. These sessions are not only engaging but also provide a platform for shared learning and inspiration. Additionally, preparing for the AWS Developer certification has been a rewarding challenge. It’s fantastic to be able to apply my knowledge in practical scenarios, enhancing both my skills and my understanding of the field.

What is your biggest takeaway from your experience as an intern at Karsun?

Pravalika: My biggest takeaway from my internship at Karsun is the value of hands-on experience in a collaborative environment. Working alongside seasoned professionals has taught me how to navigate complex projects, communicate effectively, and contribute meaningfully to a team. The practical application of my skills, coupled with the opportunity to tackle real-world challenges, has significantly deepened my understanding of the industry. Additionally, the emphasis on continuous learning and professional growth at Karsun has reinforced the importance of staying curious and proactive in my career development.

Pravalika worked alongside Karsun Innovation Center experts throughout her internship program. Discover how Karsun experts are modernizing for every next in our Innovation Center, among our data solutions teams, and as they use our ReDuX AI toolkit.

Interviewing virtually has become increasingly common. It is a standard practice in remote-flexible workplaces like Karsun. Given the competitive remote work environment, it is more important than ever to be well-prepared before starting your interview. 

Our Karsun Talent Team hopes every candidate has the opportunity to present their best self on the path to finding their next. Today, as part of our series on remote jobs, we are sharing our best virtual interview preparation tips. If you are preparing for a virtual or remote interview, consider these tips.

How Can I Prepare for a Remote Job Interview?

There are several strategies to help you succeed in the virtual format. Set up your technology and space well in advance, practice and prepare your responses and send a follow-up note are all common recommendations.  We have expanded on these tips for remote job seekers. By preparing well and paying attention to these details, you’ll present yourself as a confident and competent candidate in virtual interviews.

Setting Up Your Technology and Equipment

The first step in preparing for any virtual interview is using reliable equipment. Test your camera, microphone, and headphones to make sure everything works smoothly. Next, test Your technology. That includes checking your internet connection. Finally, you should familiarize yourself with the platform or website used by the company performing the interview. Do not wait until your appointment to install new software. Whether it’s Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or in the case of an interview with a Karsun hiring team, Google Meet, make sure you know how to use it before the interview.

Setting Up Your Space

Plan ahead and set up your space in advance of your remote interview. Create a professional environment by having a quiet space and all materials nearby. In addition to locating a room with minimal background noise and distractions, make sure you inform household members. Let others in your home know you will be interviewing to avoid interruptions. And while many of us like to keep our phones on our desks, please, silence your phone and disable notifications on your computer to avoid distractions.

As part of preparing your environment, you may also want to consider the room you will use. Check your lighting and position yourself so that your face is well-lit. A lamp behind your camera can help. A clean, uncluttered background looks more professional and reduces distractions.

Finally, have your materials ready. Prepare notes on your experience or other common interview questions. It can also be useful to prepare questions for the interviewer. Place these nearby, but avoid reading directly from them during the interview. 

Dress and Act the Part

In addition to preparing your technology and interview space, you should plan to dress professionally. Wear appropriate attire as you would for an in-person interview. Avoid overly bright or busy patterns. And remember you should dress for your full body, not just the top half, in case you need to stand up during the interview.

Acting the part is critical too. If you are not used to video interviewing, it is a good idea to practice eye contact and body language. Practice looking at the camera, not the screen. This creates the illusion of eye contact and makes you appear more engaged. When it comes to your body language, good posture conveys confidence. Consider using hand gestures sparingly. While these can aid communication, too many gestures can be distracting on screen. You may also want to practice to see what gestures are visible to your camera and on screen.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The final interview preparation steps are to plan your answers and practice with mock interviews. When you prepare your answers, practice common interview questions. Be ready to discuss your experience, skills, and why you’re a good fit for the role. Many companies, like Karsun, use common formats for your examples. Prepare your examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to create structured answers that match these formats.

Once you have planned your responses, practice mock interviews with a partner. Work with a friend or use online tools to simulate the virtual interview experience. Get feedback, then improve your answers.

Following Up

Sending a follow up note to thank the interviewer for their time is still a best practice. When interviewing virtually for a remote job, consider sending a thank you email. Remember, your interviewer may also be remote and they may not be able to receive mail at the address published on a company’s website. Instead, send a personalized thank-you email to express your appreciation and reiterate your interest in the role.

Karsun Solutions is the place where enterprise modernization experts from every background can find their next. To help candidates looking for their next remote job, throughout this month we are sharing our top remote job tips. Previously we shared our tips for avoiding remote job scams.  We hope you join us as we share more tips and if you are looking for your next, check out our remote jobs at https://www.karsuncareers.com/jobs.  

Our Karsun Innovation Center hosts future technology experts every summer for our annual internship program. Computational Modeling and Data Analytics student Namrata Hari joined this year’s class to advance her data science skills while diving into complex, innovative projects. In this interview, she shares her experience in the Innovation Center environment, contributing to center projects and uncovering her path to finding her next. 

Finding Her Next: Data Science to Social Impact

First please tell us about yourself. Where are you going to school? What are you studying? What do you like to do in your free time?
Namrata: Hi, I am Namrata! I am a rising sophomore studying Computational Modeling and Data Analytics at Virginia Tech, with a minor in Computer Science and Mathematics. During my free time, I enjoy dancing, singing, and watching movies.

What do you want to do after this internship? What are your career goals? 

Namrata: After completing this internship, I aim to participate in professional events and conferences to enhance and sustain my networking skills. My career aspiration is to become a data scientist focusing on complex data projects that extract valuable insights and foster social impact.

Building the Future of AI Accelerated Modernization

In addition to researching and developing solutions with emerging technologies, the Karsun Innovation Center builds toolkits for our teams using these evolving solutions, industry best practices and under guidance from industry experts. One of these toolkits is ReDuX AI, a set of tools and practices for AI accelerated modernization. As part of her internship, Namrata worked with the team developing future enhancements to this toolkit.  

Could you share a little bit about the project you worked on as part of this internship? What challenge does it solve? What technologies and tools are you using?
Namrata: Throughout the initial weeks of the internship, I focused on developing a task management application using Java Spring Boot and React. This project has been valuable in preparing us for upcoming tasks.

Namrata: The primary focus of my work during this internship has been testing ReDuX AI. Working within teams, we were assigned stories to complete through the use of AppPilot. During this project, we utilized Nx, Spring Boot, Postgres, Flyway, Podman, React, Comet, and Jest. Throughout this process, we were able to assess the memory, user interface, and overall user experience of the AI bot. Upon completing this project, we began addressing the defects we had previously identified.

The Innovation Center Environment

What is your favorite part about working with the Karsun Innovation Center? Is there a weekly meeting or ritual you enjoy? The opportunity to learn more or get a new certification?
Namrata: My favorite part about working with KIC is the supportive environment that I am constantly surrounded by. I enjoy seeing the work done on the projects I always hear about during our daily stand-up meetings in Show Don’t Tell. The questions asked during Show Don’t Tell helped me learn and develop my skills by showing me what questions should be asked and how to answer them. I appreciate being in an environment where I can always learn something new, no matter what.

What is your biggest takeaway from your experience as an intern at Karsun?

Namrata: My biggest takeaway from my experience at Karsun is understanding industry dynamics.  I had the opportunity to gain first-hand exposure to the inner workings of the field, including observing how various challenges are tackled and identifying best practices. This experience has been instrumental in expanding my knowledge and expertise in the industry and has significantly contributed to my professional growth and development.

Namrata worked alongside Karsun Innovation Center experts throughout her internship program. Discover how Karsun experts are modernizing for every next in our Innovation Center, among our data solutions teams, and as they use our ReDuX AI toolkit.

With many companies offering remote positions, the opportunities to take advantage of unsuspecting job seekers continue to rise. In fact, aided by AI, job scams have surged 118% from 2022 to 2023, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. These scams often attempt to gain money, learn personal details or other information to commit identity theft, or access your computer for malicious activity. 

Job sites like Indeed or FlexJobs list some of the most common job scams and strategies for avoiding them. Avoiding fake remote job scams requires a cautious approach. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  1. Research the Company: Always research the company offering the job. Check their official website and LinkedIn page, and read reviews on sites like Glassdoor or Indeed. If a company seems to lack a credible online presence, it may be a red flag. Our job postings are available at Karsun-LLC.com and KarsunCareers.com. Karsun employees will only attempt to contact you from email addresses using @karsun-llc.com at the end of the email address, such as talent@karsun-llc.com.
  2. Verify Email Addresses: Legitimate companies usually use their own domain names for email addresses. Be wary of employers contacting you from generic email services like Gmail or Yahoo.
  3. Be Wary of Upfront Payments: Legitimate job opportunities will not require you to pay fees or purchase equipment upfront. Avoid any job that asks for money to start.
  4. Check Job Descriptions: Job listings with vague descriptions, poor grammar, or unrealistic salary expectations could be signs of a scam. Genuine employers provide detailed job descriptions with clear requirements and responsibilities.
  5. Use Trusted Job Platforms: Use reputable job search platforms that verify employers and job postings. Platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor have systems in place to reduce fraudulent listings.
  6. Avoid Quick Job Offers: If a job offer comes with little to no interview process, it’s likely a scam. Legitimate employers will take time to vet candidates through interviews and assessments.
  7. Watch for Personal Information Requests: Be cautious if a potential employer asks for sensitive information like your Social Security number or bank details early in the process. Provide such information only after confirming the job offer’s legitimacy.
  8. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about a job offer or a company, trust your instincts and proceed with caution.
  9. Seek Recommendations: Ask for referrals from friends or professional networks who have worked remotely. They may provide leads to trustworthy companies.
  10. Report Suspicious Listings: If you encounter a job scam, report it to the platform where it was posted and relevant authorities, like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States.

By staying vigilant and following these tips, you can better protect yourself from falling victim to fake remote job scams.

Finally, if you’re looking to join our team, you should know our current job openings are available at Karsun-LLC.com and KarsunCareers.com. If you receive an email from one of our recruiters, Karsun employees will only attempt to contact you from email addresses using @karsun-llc.com at the end of the email address, such as talent@karsun-llc.com.

Recording live from the AWS Summit Washington, D.C., Karsun’s Badri Sriraman sits down with John Gilroy and the Federal Tech Podcast to discuss all things AI, accelerating legacy systems modernization and hyperlocal contextualization. Badri is the Vice President of the Karsun Innovation Center. Here, teams work to eliminate or reduce friction for the agencies modernizing their legacy systems. As part of that work, they developed ReDuX AI, a toolkit using AI resources to address common issues related to modernizing these older, more complex legacy systems. Throughout the interview, Badri and John discuss the costs and security risks associated with staying on current systems and the opportunity for AI to provide insight through hyperlocal contextualization to tackle these challenges.

Addressing the O&M Problem

The interview begins by acknowledging the drag aging infrastructure has on these agencies’ enterprise systems. The issue becomes intractable when operations and maintenance (O&M) costs become so high they take up the budget that would otherwise be used for modernization and systems enhancements. A 2023 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report examined the 10 critical systems it identified most in need of modernization. Some of those systems were over 50 years old and, in total, cost the government upwards of $337 million annually to operate and maintain. 

In addition to the O&M costs, complex relationships between different systems components, older programming languages like COBOL, and outdated documentation all contribute to the difficulty of modernizing mission-critical legacy systems like those studied. As Badri reveals in the interview, artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to address many of those concerns. Moreover, those same AI tools may accelerate the transition, further reducing O&M costs as agencies move away from these legacy systems.

Eating the Elephant

In the interview, Badri shares a key component of Karsun’s AI-accelerated modernization methodology, hyperlocal contextualization. In a traditional modernization project, teams typically take an incremental approach. To “eat the elephant,” teams go one step at a time, optimizing as they modernize to reduce costs. The analysis required to peel away each part of the legacy system could slow down modernization to a yearslong process in highly complex systems. Throughout the process, these teams must untangle how different parts of the system integrate and work together. 

Alternatively, using AI teams still move incrementally, avoiding the pitfalls of Big Bang Modernization. However, they also use AI to identify and map these relationships within legacy systems. This AI assistance helps those teams move at a rapid pace. Working together with the human team and stakeholders, the AI can quickly create a fuller understanding of the system, its impact on the mission and provide new insights into optimization opportunities during the modernization process. This analysis is the first step in using AI for hyperlocal contextualization.

The Security Imperative

An equally pressing concern is rising security threats. The 2023 GAO report found among the chief concerns for these aging systems were outdated hardware and security vulnerabilities. The same processes that help modernization teams optimize to reduce O&M costs can also be used to move from less secure systems to more secure systems based on industry standards and best practices.

Jumping in with Hyperlocal Contextualization

With more advanced large language models (LLMs), AI tools cannot only write the code but also review, debug, and make recommendations. Powered by AWS Bedrock, ReDuX AI not only takes the insights from its eat the elephant analysis but also makes recommendations to Karsun developers using the context generated from those insights. Plus it can then incorporate best practices and security policies into those recommendations. Using a tool like ReDuX AI, the security optimization recommendations are customized to the complexities found in that legacy system, resulting in a modernization process designed to optimize costs and security. Badri discusses this hyperlocal contextualization in greater depth in the interview. 

The future is bright. In a 2019 report, the GAO shared agencies provided 94 examples of successful modernization initiatives over the five years studied. While some of the most challenging projects remain, AI tools, like those used by ReDuX, create a future where the remaining mission-critical systems modernize a possibility. Check out the full interview at www.theoakmontgroupllc.com/ep-161-how-to-overcome-the-challenge-of-legacy-systems/ or visit GoRedux.AI to learn more.

Kartik Mecheri joins GovLoop’s Featured Contributor program to share his insights on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), modern software development, architecting for cloud-native environments, data solutions, and enterprise modernization for the public sector. The co-founder and Chief Architect of Karsun Solutions, Kartik’s achievements include spearheading large-scale digital transformation projects. His expertise ensures that Karsun delivers cutting-edge services to its customers while enhancing their customers’ internal processes. He has earned industry recognition for excellence in technology solutions, keeping Karsun at the forefront of technological advancements and customer satisfaction.

GovLoop’s core mission is to help government employees to do their jobs better. It provides free resources, blogs, online training, in-person training, and online courses on topics relevant to anyone working in public service. This new series is an extension of Kartik’s position as a trusted advisor to senior government executives on the latest technologies. 

Throughout his featured contributor series, Kartik will combine Karsun’s experience modernizing complex legacy systems for federal government agencies with emerging technology research from by the Karsun Innovation Center. In addition to its research and development unit, the center also builds resource toolkits to assist Karsun’s modernization teams. As part of his column, Kartik will share Karsun’s experience using these tools to accelerate modernization.  

This includes sharing Karsun’s experience implementing its ReDuX AI toolkit. This toolkit uses AI to address the challenges associated with migrating complex legacy systems. Its AI tools analyze legacy systems built on older coding languages, such as COBOL. Next, it produces visualizations and other information on the structure of the legacy system. With this enhanced insight into the complex relationship between system components, teams can effectively plan incremental modernization of the system without disrupting the current mission-critical parts of the application.  Next, the toolkit resources use the information from the system analysis to make recommendations, enabling teams to generate code more efficiently and securely than code generated by human teams without access to those resources. More information on ReDuX is available at GoRedux.AI.

In his first post examining AI-assisted modernization, Kartik delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by the use of AI for code generation. Here, he discusses the evolving software development space as teams use AI to analyze codebases, security and regulatory compliance, and increased efficiency for mundane development tasks.  For more from Kartik, follow his Featured Contributor series at https://www.govloop.com/author/kmecheri/. 

Every summer, we welcome interns to the Karsun Innovation Center for our annual internship program. These innovators are embedded in our research and development teams, contributing to projects led by center experts. In this interview, Manjodeep Dakavaram, a computer science master’s student, shares his experience using his software engineering and full-stack development skills to enhance the experience of Karsun team members accessing training, toolkits, and other resources.

Finding His Next: From Computer Science Student to Future Startup Founder

First, please tell us about yourself. Where are you going to school? What are you studying? What do you like to do in your free time?

Manojdeep: This is Manojdeep Dakavaram, and I am currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. In my free time, I enjoy working on personal projects, particularly those involving full-stack development and machine learning. Apart from that, I enjoy cooking, watching anime, and strength training.

What do you want to do after this internship? What are your career goals?

Manojdeep: After this internship, I aim to complete my master’s degree and, further develop my skills, and gain more experience in software engineering and full-stack development. My immediate goal is to secure a full-time role where I can work on challenging projects, especially those involving AI, machine learning, and cloud technologies. 

Manojdeep: In the long term, my ultimate goal is to start my own startup and eventually grow it into a successful enterprise. I am passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative solutions that address real-world problems. By gaining diverse experiences and building a strong foundation in various technologies, I aim to be well-prepared to launch and scale my own venture.

Making an Impact with Enhanced User Experience 

Over the course of his internship, Manojdeep contributed to four projects in the Karsun Innovation Center. Through automation, centralization, bug fixes, and other enhancements, his development work and problem-solving improved the user experience of tools used by Karsun teams. As part of its mission, the center uses its research into emerging technologies to build toolkits and resource libraries to support the work of Karsun’s customer-facing teams. Interns, including Manojdeep, support the ongoing development of these resources. That includes maintaining toolkits such as ReDuX AI. These resources assist teams as they analyze, migrate, and modernize complex legacy systems. One component of that toolkit is AppPilot, which uses AI code generation capabilities to accelerate certain parts of the modernization process.  Manojdeep applied his React frontend skills to address bug fixes and provide enhancements to this toolkit. 

In addition to its toolkits, the Innovation Center provides both virtual and in-person professional development training resources as part of its Karsun Academy program. As part of his internship, Manojdeep enhanced user experience by automating user access to Karsun’s O’Reilly virtual training library. 

Could you share a little bit about the project you worked on as part of this internship? What challenge does it solve? What technologies and tools are you using?

Manojdeep: During my internship at Karsun, I had the opportunity to work on several impactful projects:

  1. Task Manager Application:
    • Challenge: The Task Manager Application addresses the need for a centralized and user-friendly task management system, helping users stay organized and improving productivity through real-time updates and team collaboration.
    • Technologies and Tools Used: React JS, SpringBoot, PostgreSQL, JUnit, Podman, Git, REST API
  2. Automation of O’Reilly Platform User Management:
    • Challenge: The manual process of managing user access to the O’Reilly platform was time-consuming and prone to errors.
    • Technologies and Tools Used: Google App Sheets, Google App Script, Postman, Rest API, Google Sheets.
  3. Document Service:
    • Challenge: There was a need for an efficient and secure document management service.
    • Technologies and Tools Used: React JS, SpringBoot, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3, LocalStack, JUnit, Podman, Git, Jest, REST API
  4. React Frontend Bugs for App Pilot:
    • Challenge: App Pilot, a Karsun product, required bug fixes and enhancements in its React frontend to ensure a smooth user experience.
    • Solution: I am currently working on identifying and resolving these frontend bugs, improving the overall functionality and user experience of the application.

Manojdeep: These projects have allowed me to apply my skills in full-stack development, enhance my problem-solving abilities, and gain hands-on experience with a variety of tools and technologies.

Collaboration, Experimentation and Camaraderie

What is your favorite part about working with the Karsun Innovation Center? Is there a weekly meeting or ritual you enjoy? The opportunity to learn more or get a new certification?

Manojdeep: My favorite part about working with the Karsun Innovation Center is the collaborative and innovative environment that encourages continuous learning and growth. Here are a few specific aspects I particularly enjoy:

  1. Collaborative Environment: Working with talented and experienced professionals who are always willing to share their knowledge and provide guidance has been incredibly rewarding. The collaborative culture fosters creativity and innovation, making it an exciting place to work.
  2. Bi-Weekly KIC Show Don’t Tell Meetings: I enjoy our biweekly Show Don’t Tell meetings where the team gathers to discuss and demonstrate ongoing projects, share updates, and brainstorm solutions to any challenges we face. These meetings keep everyone aligned and provide a platform for sharing insights and learning from each other.
  3. Innovation and Experimentation: The freedom to experiment with new technologies and approaches is another highlight. I am encouraged to explore innovative solutions and think outside the box, which enhances my problem-solving skills and keeps my work engaging.
  4. Playing Table Tennis: I also enjoy playing table tennis with my colleagues. It’s a great way to unwind, build camaraderie, and foster a positive work-life balance.

Manojdeep: Overall, the combination of a supportive team, regular interactions, and enjoyable activities makes my experience at the Karsun Innovation Center both enjoyable and fulfilling.

What is your biggest takeaway from your experience as an intern at Karsun?

Manojdeep: From my internship at Karsun Solutions, my biggest takeaway has been the immense value of hands-on experience in a real-world environment. I’ve been able to apply a wide range of skills, from developing full-stack applications and automating processes to debugging complex products. This practical experience has really solidified my understanding and proficiency in these areas.

Manojdeep: I’ve also had the chance to work with various technologies and tools, such as React, Spring Boot, Google Appsheets, and Amazon S3. This exposure has broadened my technical toolkit and made me more versatile as a developer.

Manojdeep: Tackling bugs and working on products like App Pilot has shown me the real-world challenges of maintaining and improving live systems, which goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Additionally, automating processes, like user access management for the O’Reilly platform, has demonstrated how impactful automation can be for efficiency and productivity.

Manojdeep: Finally, working in a team has helped me enhance my collaboration and communication skills, which I know are crucial for any tech career. Overall, this internship has been incredibly valuable in preparing me for future roles and challenges.

Manojdeep participated in Karsun’s 2024 internship program as a member of the Karsun Innovation Center. Head over to our KIC page to learn more about our in-house research and development unit, Karsun Academy, our modernization toolkits, and ReDuX AI.

Herndon, VA – Karsun Solutions announced that, for the third time, it is a Top Workplaces Technology Industry winner. Energage selects the organizations named to the Industry Top Workplaces lists based on employee feedback gathered through its anonymous third-party survey. The Top Workplaces program has a 17-year history of surveying and celebrating people-first organizations. In addition to its industry award, Karsun Solutions previously received national Top Workplaces USA, Remote Top Workplaces and Culture Excellence awards, in addition to regional recognition as a Washington Post and Oklahoman Top Workplace.

“We are honored to be recognized among the top technology employers in the country,” said Sundar Vaidyanathan, Karsun Solutions CEO. “This Top Workplaces award reinforces our commitment to an employee-centered culture where openness, collaboration and innovation propel our vision forward.”

Top Workplaces Industry awards celebrate organizations that have built people-first workplace cultures within their sector. The award marks these organizations as an employer of choice for those seeking employment in the industry. Top Workplaces awards are based on feedback from a research-backed employee engagement survey. Details about how Karsun Solutions builds a great workplace culture are available on Top Workplaces.

Karsun Solutions is hiring for remote roles nationwide and hybrid roles supporting its Washington, D.C. and Oklahoma City teams. Its teams deliver acquisitions, aviation, grants and fleet modernization solutions to government agencies. Learn more about its current information technology job openings at KarsunCareers.com/jobs.

About Karsun Solutions

Transform your career with the company transforming possible for the government. Join the workplace where the only limit to your potential is the limit of your curiosity. Thrive in a community that empowers software development, cloud and data experts. At Karsun, explore every possibility and turn your bold ideas into reality. Expand your career potential with dynamic development resources like Karsun Academy and sponsored technical certification courses. And joining a growing enterprise means as we grow, so do your career opportunities. Take your career to the next level and play your part in powering new possibilities for federal agencies. Join us at KarsunCareers.com.

HERNDON, Va. – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) awarded Neev-KS Technologies, LLC a spot on its Information Technology Innovative Procurement for Strategic Sourcing (ITIPSS) multiple-award Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. In total, 14 companies received contracts on the IDIQ worth $2.4 billion. Neev-KS, an SBA approved 8(a) Mentor-Protege Joint Venture between Karsun Solutions (Mentor) and NeevSys (Protege), was awarded a contract under the Uncategorized Small Business category.

“We are excited for this opportunity to further our support for the modernization of mission critical applications at the FAA,” said Rajaji Bellamkonda, Vice President of Karsun’s Department of Transportation portfolio.

ITIPSS is a contract vehicle for acquiring information technology services and solutions for all FAA non-National Airspace System (non-NAS) IT mission support. Karsun Solutions currently performs work under the FAA Software Solutions Delivery (SSD) contract awarded in 2017. That contract provides services in support of the FAA’s Office of Information Technology (FAA AIT). Learn more about Karsun’s aviation industry expertise at https://karsun-llc.com/industry-expertise/aviation/.

The Neev-KS joint venture combines extensive experience handling complex enterprise systems with innovative technology solutions. In addition to the ITIPSS IDIQ, the joint venture is also listed on the General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedule (GSA MAS). Learn more at https://neevks.com/.

About Karsun Solutions

Karsun Solutions modernizes enterprise systems, enabling agencies to make the next technological advancement their next opportunity to elevate mission capability. IT solutions from Karsun are tailored to meet agencies’ unique needs and optimize operations. These solutions adapt and stay relevant with current trends while using secure, digital architecture built to last. It is a proven modernization partner whose expertise elevates agency capabilities and ensures every next opportunity is within reach.

Company Contact: marketing@karsun-llc.com

About NeevSys

With a decade of experience at federal agencies and supporting the healthcare industry, this SBA 8(a) certified and minority woman owned small business implements complex technology solutions for government and commercial enterprises.

Herndon, VA – Karsun Solutions has been named one of The Washington Post’s 2024 Top Workplaces in the Washington, D.C. region. Selection is based solely on employee feedback gathered through an anonymous third-party survey administered by research partner Energage, LLC, which measured several aspects of workplace culture, including alignment, execution, and connection. This year’s honorees include technology companies, government contractors, real estate firms and financial service providers.

“For more than a decade, The Washington Post’s Top Workplaces list has served as an essential resource for D.C.-area professionals, equipping them with unparalleled insight into the best local companies to work for, as heard directly from their employees,” said Bronwen Latimer, the editor for Special Initiatives at the Washington Post. “This year we have highlighted 250 companies — more than ever before — giving a more robust picture of the current employee experience in the area.”

Headquartered in Herndon, Virginia, in the Washington, D.C. suburbs, Karsun Solutions is a technology contractor serving federal civilian government agencies. Its enterprise modernization experts deliver software, cloud, AI and data solutions to these agencies. While this is the company’s first Washington Post Top Workplace award, it has previously received recognition for its culture, including accolades for remote work, work-life balance, innovation and diversity. Celebrating its fifteenth year in operation, Karsun is hiring remote and hybrid flexible roles to support its growing teams. Interested candidates may apply at https://www.karsuncareers.com/jobs

“We are honored to join this prestigious list of organizations committed to building cultures where team members can thrive and grow,” said Sundar Vaidyanathan, Karsun Solutions CEO. 

The Washington Post hosted an awards ceremony on Thursday, June 20, to recognize the top-ranked companies.

About Karsun Solutions

Transform your career with the company transforming possible for the government. Join the workplace where the only limit on your potential is the limit of your curiosity. Thrive in a community that empowers software development, cloud and data experts. At Karsun, collaborate in a culture that allows you the freedom to explore every possibility and provides support to turn your bold ideas into reality. Expand your career potential with dynamic development resources like Karsun Academy and sponsored technical certification courses. Joining our growing enterprise means that as we grow, so do your career opportunities. Take your career to the next level and play your part in powering new possibilities for federal agencies.

About The Washington Post

The Washington Post is an award-winning news leader whose mission is to connect, inform, and enlighten local, national and global readers with trustworthy reporting, in-depth analysis and engaging opinions. It combines world-class journalism with the latest technology and tools so readers can interact with The Post anytime, anywhere.

About Energage

Making the world a better place to work together.

Energage is a purpose-driven company that helps organizations turn employee feedback into useful business intelligence and credible employer recognition through Top Workplaces. Built on 16 years of culture research and the results from 27 million employees surveyed across more than 70,000 organizations, Energage delivers the most accurate competitive benchmark available. With access to a unique combination of patented analytic tools and expert guidance, Energage customers lead the competition with an engaged workforce and an opportunity to gain recognition for their people-first approach to culture. For more information or to nominate your organization, visit energage.com or topworkplaces.com.